The final Reflection!
We had class again. I liked that Shum had the oppertunity to teach us today. He always connects information together really well and it is easy for me to understand and remember. We talked about TEE and how it developed over time by different philosophers and different Government funding. The highschool I went to was a public school in Tennessee it was very liberal arts orented we didn't have any vocational classes and I wasn't aware of any TEE classes. English Science and Math scores were high at the school school but I really think it is important for students to do hands on acitivies. From the highschool experience I did have, I know that when I took anatomy it was much easier to understand when we had cats,rats, lambs, and pigs to disect. Hands on discovery helps people understand in a different way.
There is a dicotomy of thought. Some people believe things should be taught for the general benefit of learning, others believe it should be taught to be mastered and applied only. If you aren't going to master it don't learn it.
I think my personal philosophy is that it is important to be exposed to many different fields of learning. Learn about all fields and learning will enrich learning.
To me liberal art teach us how to think and improve things. Science, Math, and Teach teachs us how to interact with the world around us. When we combined the two we can become the ultimate innovators.
I wish there was more Math and Science and a little more liberal arts in the major. I think that would be vastly benefical. When I teach my goal would be to incorperate more math and science and liberal arts into the Tech curriculm.